In the 2009 film "the blind side" Michael Oher goes through a big character journey and he is a great a great example of the high 5 principles which are: follow your heart, change is constant, learning is ongoing, focus on the journey,and access your allies. Michael follows his heart when he decides to go to the university of Tennessee instead of the university of Michigan. Everyone pressures Michael to attend Michigan but he wants to go to Tennessee so he follows his heart and attends the university of Tennessee. Michael learns that change is constant when he experiences new things, like living in a house with a white family, sleeping on a bed, playing football, and other things that may sound simple to us, but that he had never experienced. Michael finds out that learning is an ongoing thing when he begins to attend the Christian high school, he begins learning new subjects and  to how to play the game of football. Michael learns to focus on the journey when he wants to get a football scholarship and must raise his grade average dramatically to get one, he works very hard knowing that if he does, it will pay off. Finally Michael learns to access his allies, he does this with Leigh Anne who helps him achieve all of his goals and who shows him kindness that no one else had shown him before. Michael knows that Leigh Anne can help him with a lot of things so he asks her for her help. Michael Oher is a character who is a great example of the high 5 principles.

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